More Super-Smart Boys Explains Gender Disparity in Science, o rly?

At least 3 people have asked me in the last two days if I intend to post something on that seriously underwhelming NYT article by John Tierney that was published a couple of days ago.  In it, Tierney postulates, YET AGAIN that there is a gender disparity in science because there are more men at the very upper end of the IQ scale than there are women. What was my response to everyone and their mother asking me if I was going to post on this topic- Yawn, yawn, and yawn again.  Apparently a plethora of other women scientist bloggers had the same reaction- and honestly, I could never have said it better than Female Science Professor or Isis– responses, in my humble opinion, completely spot on.

Then one of my science BFF sent me this article that appeared in the Daily Mail recently written by the estimable Professor Richard Lynn.  Ok, this time my response was less like yawn, yawn and yawn again and more like puke, puke, and puke again (on Richard’s shoes- a la Zuska). This little gem goes further than Tierney… I’ll just quote what Dr. Lynn said in the Daily Mail:

So here goes: one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.

Dr. Lynn says that he has reached this conclusion  from ‘a lifetime of academic research’- and he is aware that this explanation will unleash ‘howls of feminist outrage‘.


Love to Mom and Dad….

Last night I told my mother that save for the board of regents signatures my tenure is approved.

I received these today:

They were accompanied by this note:

Congratulations DrDrA,

You are awesome.

But did you know you were adopted?


Mom & Dad

I love my mom.  A LOT. And my dad- well, the quirky sense of humor stands out (Please- I need a break from personal revelations for a while) but really the importance of my dad in my life and career trajectory can not be underestimated.


So thanks go to you Mom and Dad- you stood behind me no matter what, supporting me through so much (I’m sure you never thought I’d be off your payroll), helping me through everything from the trivial- being heartbroken over that guy in high school, to the more momentous-  moves, marriage, career transitions, a tenure track job, the death of friends, the birth of children, and the juggling of a million responsibilities. I see now from raising my own kids that what you go through with me isn’t easy (and I don’t even have direct personal experience raising my own teenager yet). Thanks for your quiet calm, your jokes at all the right moments, and mostly your love and support. I’m tremendously lucky to have you as parents.

(We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming of unsolicited advice and snarky commentary. )